William Wilberforce Juvenal Colville

William Wilberforce Juvenal Colville

Colville, W.J. (1859-1917), inglés orador y escritor inspirado con considerables habilidades naturales. La fecha de su mediumnidad se produjo el 24 de mayo de 1874 cuando asistió a una dirección inspirada por la Sra. Cora L. V. Tappan de Brighton. Se hizo conscientes de la presencia del espíritu y en casa entró en trance y pronunció su primera presentación poética improvisada. Describió después sus sensaciones: "Yo de repente sentí que me elevaba del suelo, parecía tener una gran cabeza y un cuerpo muy pequeño, mis labios parecían moverse mecánicamente bajo la presión de una cierta influencia sobre la cual no podía detener, y no podía ejercerle ningún poder sobre ello. Oí a alguien comentando un poema, entonces me senté y terminé de cenar, me pregunté si yo podría haber estado durmiendo. Esa fue mi primera experiencia como médium de habla, aunque desde mi más tierna infancia había tenido experiencias espirituales y constantemente sentí, vi y oí a los seres que me rodeaban y no estaban en forma material".

Tomó compromisos de manera regular desde 1877. Sus mensajes eran característicos de notable erudición, o al revés, respondía preguntas sobre una gran variedad de temas, a menudo era bastante inconsciente. En otras ocasiones escuchó todo lo que decía, como si procediera de labios extraños. Viajó a lo largo y ancho bajo la guía de sus ayudantes invisibles. Después de un largo compromiso en Boston se estableció en Estados Unidos y pagó algunas visitas ocasionales a Inglaterra. Sus libros fueron : Inspirational Discourses, 1886; Inspirational Lectures and Impromptu Poems; Dashed Against the Rock, 1894; Our Places in the Universal Zodiac, 1895; Old and New Psychology, 1897; With One Accord, 1897; Law of Correspondences Applied to Healing, 1898; Fate Mastered, Destiny Fulfilled, 1900; Life and Power from Within, 1900; People's Handbook on Spiritual Science, 1902; Throne of Eden, 1902; Universal Spiritualism and Modern Revelations, 1910 Creative Thought ' 1912; Light and Colours, 1914 Menthal Therapeutics, Onesimus Templeton, Stepping Stones to Spiritual Health, Spiritual Therapeutics, 1914, Students' Questions Answered, 1914.

Enciclopedia de Ciencias Psíquicas - Nandor Fodor

COLVILLE, W. J. (1859-1917), English inspirational speaker and author, of slight education but of considerable natural abilities. The beginnings of his mediumship date from May 24th, 1874, when he attended an inspirational address of Mrs. Cora L. V. Tappan at Brighton. He became conscious of spirit presence, and at home passed into trance and delivered his first poetic improvisation. He described his sensations afterwards: "I suddenly felt myself lifted in the air. I seemed to have an enormous head and a very small body. My lips seemed to be moving mechanically under the pressure of some influence over which I could not exert, and could not will to exert, no power whatever. I heard someone commenting upon a poem, then I sat down and finished my supper and wondered if I had not been to sleep. That was my first experience as a medium for speaking, though from my earliest childhood I had had spiritual experiences and constantly felt, saw and heard beings around me, who were not in material form." He took regular engagements from 1877. While delivering his addresses, which were characteristic for remarkable erudition, or while answering questions on a variety of subjects, he was often quite unconscious. At other times he heard everything he said as if proceeding from strange lips. He travelled far and wide and lived under the guidance of his invisible helpers. After a very long engagement in Boston he settled in the United States and paid but occasional visits to England. His books: Inspirational Discourses, 1886; Inspirational Lectures and Impromptu Poems; Dashed Against the Rock, 1894; Our Places in the Universal Zodiac, 1895; Old and New Psychology, 1897; With One Accord, 1897; Law of Correspondences Applied to Healing, 1898; Fate Mastered, Destiny Fulfilled, 1900; Life and Power from Within, 1900; People's Handbook on Spiritual Science, 1902; Throne of Eden, 1902; Universal Spiritualism and Modern Revelations, 1910 Creative Thought ' 1912; Light and Colours, 1914 Menthal Therapeutics, Onesimus Templeton, Stepping Stones to Spiritual Health, Spiritual Therapeutics, 1914, Students' Questions Answered, 1914.


Cora L. V. Tappan

Cora L. V. Tappan